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Letterpress Save the Date & Save the Date Invitations

Save the date with the impact of a modern or traditional design on a classic print technique with letterpress save the date invitations.

The thickness of and quality of our letterpress save the date card stock will create excitement and envy, and is our favourite classic print type for printing Formal, Funny, Script Rustic and Winery themed designs, or even a monogram save the date which are also available as save the date magnets.

Paperlust collaborates with the very best in Australian designers originating from Australia, Sydney and Melbourne to bring the best letterpress save the date designs to market.

We run design competitions monthly and receive designs in a range of colours such as Gold, Pink, Purple and Rose Gold and competitions for specific save the date print types such as Digital Cards, Foil Stamp, Save the date Photo Cards and Print On Wood.

With Paperlust you can customise in the web browser your entire wedding set ranging wedding invitations, engagement invitations, thank you cards and wishing well cards.

To complement the letterpress save the date cards, consider the on the day stationery options you may have such as a foil menu cards and or digital or foil place cards.

Our content team have prepared a range of save the date wording articles to help you word your letterpress save the date invite.