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Save the Date Graduation Cards

Graduation is one of the monumental events in someone’s life. Some people love to share the big news and celebrate with friends and families at a graduation party. Inviting your closest and most important people in your life will remind them how special they are and how their support towards your scholar’s life has brought you to this stage of your life.

However, just like other parties, ones will not be complete without sending out invitations and save the dates. Here are some useful tips on arranging save the date cards graduation party.

  • Consider inserting graduation save the date cards in with your graduation announcement to save postage costs. While announcing the graduation, you can also invite them to a post-graduation event to celebrate it together. 

  • Prepare a mailing list. If you will attach a save the date graduation party card in the announcement, make sure you already prepared a list of who’s invited to the party and who’s not. Depending on the venue capacity and your budget, you might be unable to invite everyone in your announcement list. Think about the people who have made an important impact on your young scholar’s life. 

  • Send out save the date cards in advance. For those out-of-town friends and family, set aside more time in sending out these cards since they may have to travel for the party. 

Speaking of the design, we always believe that there is something about graduation cards (announcement, save the dates, invitations) that is inseparable from graduation photos. Have a look at our design selections here and get ready to customise your own graduation save the date cards!